Where Henry Ford had lunch

The highlight of 07/30/23 lecture

4 steps to the Kingdom of Heaven

Peace. The voice of the heart that reveres God. It is never shaken, because it seeks to fulfill the entirety of its responsibilities and knows that everything happens for a Divine Purpose.

Balance. Expression of the individual attentive to their own totality. They enjoy harmony in their relationship with themselves, with others, with society, with the Good Spirits, with the Creator.

Solidarity. The natural movement of the person devoted to the Omnipresent Goodness. Always active in charitable action, even if not spontaneously loving. They continue to serve, even without love – loving while doing the good.

Generosity. Manifestation of the soul connected to the Source of Life. Not only does the spirit of service emerge, but it spreads abundantly, as a corollary of the profound communion with the Absolute Transcendence Being, who, through Infinite Mercy, makes Him-Herself immanent, in all creatures.

Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar (medium)
Eugênia-Aspásia (Spirit)
in the Name of Mary Christ
August 1, 2010

The specular function of life – how to abbreviate and avoid sufferings

Pay attention to the signs of life.

Ordinarily, situations, people, challenges, problems and duties have a specular function, in a double and antagonistic sense: they reflect what you are or what you need to elaborate and develop in yourself, or they reveal the opposite pole of what you experience and need to contact, balance and integrate into the totality of your psyche.

As a didactic example of this universal principle, someone can attract irritating events or irascible individuals, either to be stimulated to channel and/or educate the excesses of their own aggressiveness or, conversely, to be provoked to break an inertia of passivity or submission to which they usually inadvertently surrender.

In any circumstance you encounter, get into the habit of pondering two basic questions: “What does the Supreme Being intend to teach me through this experience?” and “How does Divine Wisdom expect me to act in the face of this learning scenario?”

By disciplining yourself in this proactive attitude toward the trials inherent to the human condition, you will not only abbreviate them, but also get through them more naturally and avoid them repeating themselves cyclically, by assimilating the lessons that motivate the rise of the vicissitudes of the evolutionary paths.

Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar (medium)
Eugênia-Aspásia (Spirit)
in the Name of Mary Christ
September 6, 2024

Putin: genocide of one’s own people

The highlight of 06/16/24 lecture

Single path

We, the beings dedicated to the practicing of benevolence, form One Single Community, integrated and indissoluble.

The feeling of isolation is a dangerous illusion, partly brought about by the contingencies of the physical realm of life, but also instilled, with intense vigor and elaborate ruse, by agents of evil, who wish to foment chaos, anguish, panic and despair, to better manipulate, enslave and vampirize the psyches that fall into their clutches.

When bound to an organism of dense matter, the human creature is more susceptible to intoxicate themselves, psychologically and morally, and to being induced into all sorts of mental states that work like plugs connecting to the tentacles of the hordes and geniuses of darkness, such as hatred, suspicion, jealousy, envy and the various forms of hypocrisy, dissimulation, deceit, cunningness, cynicism…

Observe carefully, beloved child, the flows of moods, thoughts and emotions that pass through your soul. Through them, you will establish harmony with the consciential spectra of goodness and wisdom, or you will slip into the dreadful slopes of misfortune and horror…

React, with discipline, to the vectors of disaggregation and, in a simultaneous effort, seek to align yourself and cooperate with the psychospiritual standards of resoluteness, fraternity and the spirit of responsibility for benefiting others, in any department of your existence.

This is the only path that, resting on tools such as the daily exercise of prayer-meditation and weekly attendance at a supportive spiritual congregation, will progressively lead you to the Mystical Union with the Assembly of the Holy Spirits of God, in traditional Christian language, or, in contemporary terminology, with the Society of Spirits devoted to the realization of the common good, on all fronts of service within their reach.

Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar (medium)
Eugênia-Aspásia (Spirit)
in the Name of Mary Christ
September 13, 2024