Procrastination in the chapter of the essential

When you find yourself slipping into the vice of procrastination, mobilize immediately and take objective action in any neglected existential department.

At the same time, try to renew your way of thinking, feeling and acting, research and experiment with ways of maintaining perseverance and redouble your self-vigilance in order to guard against the moral bankruptcy of distancing yourself from the decision taken.

There is a lot of eagerness of the ego and other psychological vectors of the unconscious for material, political, economic and socio-cultural matters, but it is difficult to find the same motivation for spiritual attainments, even though they are essential for making true happiness possible, as some schools of psychology in the physical domain, such as humanistic and transpersonal psychology, reveal.

Therefore, with immovable discipline, make it a priority to overcome indefinite procrastination in the essential field of spirituality and its imperishable achievements. There is no bliss without wisdom, nor peace without progressive self-discovery.

You will then understand, beloved child, why Jesus bequeathed to earthly humanity the maxim of timeless philosophy: “Seek first the Kingdom of Heaven and Its Justice [standards of feeling and conduct], and the rest will be added to you.”¹

Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar (medium)
Eugênia-Aspásia (Spirit)
In the Name of Mary Christ
Aracaju, Sergipe, Brazil
February 27, 2011

1. Matthew 6:33.

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