Faced with the reality of evil

Focus your thoughts on love, dear children. Do not stop to dwell on hatred. The monoideism of aversion leads to all sorts of hostility and moral decadence.

Conjecture on love and its expressions of goodness, tenderness and pity, which represent the deepest degree of lucidity and perception attainable at the hominal stage of evolution, and therefore have nothing to do with naivety or ignorance, as less mature spirits tend to suppose.

When you come across the perversity of someone who consciously perpetrates evil, try, besides curbing the ominous act, to experience a sincere feeling of compassion, recognizing that this creature suffers from a serious illness of the soul, which translates into possession by evil, exacerbated internally and enhanced by attunement with external malevolence, real and extremely dangerous, despite the fact that today’s culture, inflated by pseudo-wise men and women, pretends to deny it.

Unfortunately, evil exists and is very active in the world, as a terrain in which dark geniuses work, for multimillennial ages, against Divine Love.

Paradoxically, however, God allows evil to manifest itself with relative freedom, so that human beings have the opportunity to exercise discernment, to ponder and make conscientious choices, to overcome the vice of literal obedience to the dictates of external reality, in short: to awaken, within themselves, the sacred spark that, through psychic resonance, will give them access to the Creator Him-Herself.

Only then, beloved children, by means of imperturbable consonance with the Origin of Everything, will you enjoy unassailable security. Until then, preserve in your hearts the unforgettable warning from the Voice of Truth on Earth: “Watch and pray, so that you will not fall into temptation.”¹

Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar (medium)
Eugênia-Aspásia (Spirit)
in the Name of Mary Christ
January 16, 2011

1 Matthew 26:41.

Urgent and determined action now… or the apocalypse at any moment, on multiple fronts

Women should be considered the center of human culture and civilization.

Millennia of patriarchy, both in the West and the East, have proved oppressive and bloodthirsty, and the only reason the human race has not long since been wiped off the planet’s surface is due to a lack of war technology. This is not the scenario we are currently experiencing…

Women, as a rule, are more intuitive and empathetic, conciliatory and respectful of their fellow human beings and other species.

The empire of exacerbated and, therefore, pathological masculinity has, century after century, laid down a trail of devastation on the priceless heritage of ecosystems and, with the advent of nuclear weapons, has led humanity, just to mention these two most sensitive topics, to the brink of Armageddon…

We recognize the pragmatic results of the insatiableness peculiar to a significant portion of the male population, fostering the progress of the sciences and prosperity in the material realm. However, the model of socioeconomic-political-cultural organization that emerged from it is not sustainable – as simple and grave as that. Severely grave!…

No dignified and enlightened person would deem it necessary to invert the order of power, placing women in a superior condition to men, even because the good matriarchal paradigm includes and nurtures psychologically and morally healthy masculinity, never advocating for an alleged female hegemony.

The theme of empowering women and girls is essential to the survival of human beings on the Earth’s crust and, in our view, as we have already said, it consists of rediscovering a latent feminine power that has never ceased to exist.

By clearly recognizing this basic conceptual core, all the measures to be taken must be guided, whether public or private, scientific or technological, social or cultural, economic or political, local or global, such as the unavoidable preparation and integration of the female contingents, especially in poor nations, into the era of accelerated transformation that the exponential development of artificial intelligence has been causing in the job market and in various departments of action and disciplines of human knowledge.

Either we effectively, continuously and broadly implement this axiomatic and unavoidable inference, or, whether or not one believes in the postulate that we present here, there will be no chance for the continuation of human presence in this small corner of the known universe.

Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar
Founding president of the Sociedade Filantrópica Maria de Nazaré (public name: Mary Christ Society), an organization in special consultive status with the UN Economic and Social Council
Aracaju, Sergipe, Brazil
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