Illusions and lies about oneself

The highlight of 09/03/23 lecture

Fratricidal attacks between peoples

The highlight of 01/14/24 lecture

The impermanence, complexity and lucidity of faith

Manage your crises by lessening unbalanced factors, by containing impulses that cannot be addressed immediately and by sublimating destructive elements that are already susceptible to being converted into constructive variables.

Do not fear adversities – they all pass, while the lessons they provide remain forever. Although it sounds cliché, it is a fact that, in the impermanence inherent in the events of life, there is only one permanent principle: the opportunity for self-improvement offered to the disciple of the Light, by the stimulus promoted in the interaction with the vicissitudes of the human condition.
Lucid faith, as we said before, implies accepting disillusionments, without shaking, therefore, the foundations of the individual's convictions. Conversely, seen from a psychologically mature and spiritually wise perspective, disappointments function as tools for filtering and purifying the values and ideas linked to a certain worldview, reinforcing, rather than weakening, the faith they initially seemed to question.
It must be a steadfast constant, in all circumstances, the exercise of unrestricted trust in the Infinite Goodness of God and His-Her Perfect Wisdom.

The never-ending course of learning regarding transcendentality is the most complex, since it concerns the experience of connection and exchange with an extraordinarily broader and deeper Reality, far beyond what the human level of cognition can encompass.

To make a judicious assessment of the personal performance in this mystical marathon, it is worthwhile for each creature to refer to the precept suggested by the Christ-Verb Jesus, when He said that a tree would be recognized by the quality of its fruit.¹
Not by the length of its crown, nor by the depth of its roots…
Not by the beauty of its foliage, nor by the flowering that does not result in fruit, regardless of the polychromy, perfume or elegance of the flowers that adorn it…

Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar (medium)
Eugênia-Aspásia (Spirit)
in the Name of Mary Christ
August 9, 2024

1. Luke 6:43-44.

God and science

The highlight of 02/04/24 lecture

Magic, attunement and reality

The highlight of 02/04/24 lecture