Some quick notes

Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar
by the spirit Matheus-Anacleto.
1. Boredom: pastime of the soul to avoid realizing that it’s away from its duty, resting in idleness.

2. Dismay: lack of courage; to be walking, but be going astray, off the heart’s path.

3. Sadness: absence of God. Its reverse, enthusiasm, from the Greek theos, means that he who is enthused is full of God.
If we prefer another antonym for sadness we can also refer to the etymology of the word felicity, which comes from the Latin fe licitas (true faith).

4. Anguish: negative effect of going against the flow of God’s will.

5. Despair: a sign of complete disconnection with the idea of God, His infinite goodness, His perfect providence, which always looks after His creatures, even in the deepest caverns of evil (although respecting their right to chose disgrace, and to opt, consciously or unconsciously, for not being helped, healed and favored).

6. Fear: temporary oblivion that the absolute protection from the Divine never leaves us to abandonment.
In short, dear friend, whatever the situation you are living, in any pathology of the soul, even if you find external, material and human causes for your pain: boredom, dismay, sadness, anguish, despair and fear are mere signs of more or less diversion of the ideal alignment with the Divine Providence and its always wise Will, whose purpose is our happiness, still in the present life that we are now enjoying.

Look deep down into your soul, and try to find out the reason for your disconnection with Him and, listening to your consciousness, live the impulses of your ideal, offering good deeds of love and progress, happiness and peace to your neighbor and, by consequence, to yourself.

(Text received on November 18, 2000.)

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