Before the inevitable

Before the inevitable

Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar
by the Spirit Eugênia-Aspásia.

Attenuate the inevitable when you cannot fix it. There are people who choose the path of anger, of desperation, instead of striving for adaption.

One of the fundamental characteristics of human intelligence is the function-feature of adaption. So, instead of struggling like a hysterical child, a mature individual should try to relativize his situation, generating creative adjustments that help him navigate through a difficult circumstance.

Obviously, this adaptation should not implicate a desistance of seeking solutions, new alternatives, new procedures and different methods to solve the problem. But while the matter is pending, the individual cannot stop living with as much psychological health as possible. Also, sometimes, Divine Providence allows the perpetuation of the problem until, in the middle of chaos, one gets to calm down, allowing peace and inner balance to rise amidst external disorder – at this point one manages to find the much longed solution. If, however, someone struggles too much, the Forces of God may deliberate an extension to the problem until the sufferer feels pressured enough to seek wellbeing amid crisis.

If, therefore, you want to shorten your suffering, make the effort to be well and at peace, now. Not after what you believe to be the reason of your pain is gone. Everything happens for a higher purpose; and this higher purpose is invariably associated with learning, with psychological growth, leading to the assimilation of a new pattern of inner strength, of being your own master. Do this and perhaps the solution will appear immediately after you realize, paradoxically, that you could already be well, even without a solution.

(Still in trance, speaking under the influence of another Spirit:)
“This message, brought to us on this 21st day of December, is the spirit guide Eugenia’s response, to the afflictions of those who feel caught up in seemingly unsolvable contingencies.”

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