Whisper of wisdom – 02

Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar
by the
Spirit Eugênia-Aspásia.

When the magnifying glass of destiny finds you, to make you suffer, don’t say something childish and stupid, like: “why is this happening to me?” – because it could happen to anyone else, and you are not better than anyone.

Second, check the purpose. The pain occurs, with the intention to draw the attention of its patient, to something which is wrong and needs to be changed, in terms of action, as of omission.

Don’t fight with your stomach because it’s hurting; much less accuse God of being unfair and cruel because of that: change your eating habits and treat your gastritis. There are lots of gastritis of the soul and of the spirit out there, and a lot of people taking the analgesic of instant gratification, instead of healing the wound of the soul, which keeps getting deeper.

How to heal the pain of the soul? – You ask me. Listen to it, I tell you. Because listening to what it has to tell you, you’ll find what you have to do.

(Text received on May 24th, 2004.)

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