Benjamin Teixeira
by the spirit Temistocles.
Complex is wishing to be happy and not being able to, or worse: not wanting to. Your neuroses are nothing more than needless pains. Cut them off your life: they are not part of you; they are delusional necessities and they lie pretending to be elements of your reality. Heighten your awareness, and it will be clear to you the nonsense they represent. In these neuroses we include systematic fears, paralysing doubts, obsessive worries and devastating anxieties.
Make your life light and loose. Untie yourself disarm yourself, free yourself and be happy. As important as you think some issues may be, they too will pass. And then? What is left? Your grave?
Nothing is worth the consumption of your days and your soul. Today is your day to be happy.
(Text received on March 26, 2001.)