Letter to the Modern Woman.

Benjamin Teixeira
by the Spirit Eugênia.

Dear Sister in Christ,

Do not assume that the advancement of Law and of social conventions authorize you to abandon compromises and responsibilities, particular to your feminine condition.

Maternity, for instance, even though it should work in concert with the father’s participation, has unique and non transferable, non assignable characteristics …

Therefore, keep the spirit of freedom and autonomy, over the decisions you make in your existence. Fulfill yourself professionally and academically, like your fellow males. However, do not renounce the fulfilling of a duty, truly yours: to feel, to live, and to bring love, God and the spirit, to your life and to the life of those who share your intimacy or your acquaintances. Intuition, relational skills, empathy, religiousness and ethical sense are naturally more pronounced in feminine temperaments and in those spirits who suffer the influence of the feminine neurophysiologic framework that leads to introspection and integration.

Therefore, consider the greatness of your mission, and give up social and political challenges, that drive you apart from the possibility of being in peace with yourself and, as a consequence, of being happy.

Message received on June 4, 2007.

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