Gay Defense or Panegyric?

Benjamin de Aguiar
by the Spirit Eugênia.

Pallas Athena became the symbol of wisdom and of constructive combativeness, for the Occident and she was gay. So much so, that her name, originally only Athena, became Pallas (name of her much loved consort) at the request of herself to her father, Zeus (after Pallas’ death), who was her model of ideal psyche, since Athena wanted to bring Pallas inside herself forever…

The greatest philosophers from Classical Antiquity notably had homosexual relationships. Unforgettable geniuses such as Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Adam Smith, Isaac Newton and Rimbaud were homosexuals, as were Shakespeare, Napoleon Bonaparte, Alexander the Great, Immanuel Kant and Francis Bacon…

By what History reveals, through a cold and impartial reading, maybe we can speculate that homosexuality is a human condition that propitiates geniality, greatness of achievements or the glory of goodness…

Would it be counter-prejudice to think this way? If my opinion is tendentious, how can we explain the impressive percentage of illustrious gays among the greatest names in Art, Philosophy, Science and Politics (even if we take into consideration the problem of revealing the intimacy of many of them, with biographers concerned about hiding their “shameful weakness of the flesh”)?

Perhaps we should review the concepts of homophobia, reversing them. And just like the Olympic Games progressively make it clear the organic superiority of black people over white people (when comparing strength, speed and resistance), I, as a guardian of the gay cause, unabashedly state that I see homosexuals as a class of human beings that is between the average humanity and another one, composed of geniuses and angels.

Extract from the message “New Assembly 05”, received on September 14th, 2009

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