Diverse Topics

Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar by the Spirit Eugênia

(Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar) – Dear Eugênia, do you have anything to say to our Internet readers?

(Spirit Eugênia) – Yes, I do. May they have patience with their limits, but be not condescending with the limitations in their lives. For example: that they be [...]

The Lack of Intelligence of Atheism.


Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar by the Spirit Eugênia

Would you go to a biologist to address particle physics issues? Would you seek advice from a renowned magistrate about your general health?

Very well: this is what is frequently happening among those who declare themselves atheists – they belong to [...]

Feeling and living

Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar by the Spirit Eugênia

Let us study the child: he/she has a pure heart, but an immature mind1. Let us observe the adult: he/she often brings a corrupted soul, even though he/she has a trained and conscious intellect.

Where would the ideal condition be? Obviously, neither in one nor [...]

At the moment of despair

Benjamin de Aguiar by the Spirit Eustáquio

When you find yourself overwhelmed with sadness, remember that not every day is a day of joy, although it does not mean it is not a day of learning that, in turn, brings higher levels of happiness.

So, when assuming you have no more alternatives, review [...]

Passion versus Love

Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar by the Spirit Eugênia

You felt butterflies in the stomach, shivered, scrambled the words, you got short of breath and your heartbeat accelerated in the chest full of energy, feeling reconnected with life, you tell yourself: this is what I needed!

Easy, though, my friend, with your conclusions.You have [...]