Jesus Has His Powers Restrained in His Hometown

“Jesus left there and went to his hometown, accompanied by his disciples. When the Sabbath came, he began to teach in the synagogue, and many who heard him were amazed. Where did this man get these things?” they asked. “What’s this wisdom that has been given him? What are these remarkable miracles he is performing? Isn’t this the carpenter? Isn’t this Mary’s son and the brother of James, Joseph, Judas and Simon? Aren’t his sisters here with us?” And they took offense at him. Jesus said to them, “A prophet is not without honor except in his own town, among his relatives and in his own home.” He could not do any miracles there, except lay his hands on a few sick people and heal them. He was amazed at their lack of faith.”

(Mark, 6:1-6)

The Spiritual Master Eugenia Comments on the Passage of the Gospel:

Jesus, yet incarnated, Was a Christ – as He Is -, and even so, in the face of His countrymen’s contradictory mental emanations of doubt, He had His Powers restrained, not only because suspicion creates a kind of insulating or “suppressing” effect of Heaven’s Graces (as it occurs with paranormal phenomena, well known to parapsychologists and those who study mediumistic manifestations – this is the reason why disbelievers disturb, ironically, the appearance, around them, of the evidences that they state to be seeking), but also because distrust generates the karma of not deserving these blessings of the Higher Planes.

We have explained, more than once, that intellectual doubt is different from suspicion, which has a moral character. The former is open to new ideas and experiences and is willing to accept different facts and reasoning, if they are well grounded. The latter reveals a stingy bad will and an aprioristic declaration that something or somebody has no value, regardless of how much (T)this (V)value is evidenced – that is: a strong indication of lack of honesty of those who present suspicion.

If this deplorable occurrence happened with Our Master and Lord Jesus, imagine what happens with those much less evolved than Him. The representatives of the Divine Light are always present, in the physical domain of life, in all communities, at all times. No people or century is left without the presence of these “living mirrors” of the Higher Spirituality, although some of them are so fogged by the perfidy, malice and disbelief of many, that they pass practically unnoticed – what unfortunately is very common these days –, treated as if they were vulgar creatures (when not as charlatans), at a loss for the social groups they take part into, since the grandeur of the Message they convey, if received with the consideration due to these Heaven’s Envoys (as they are: human messengers, but from the Heavens), would promote a much greater level of happiness and peace to these groups, made miserable and mediocre by their own responsibility.

However, as it happened to Jesus, if you want to identify the messengers of Heavens, observe what happens with these different individualities when they are slightly away from their most direct circle of personal influence, just as, in the “surrounding villages” and even in other cities of Galilee, a cascade of inexplicable phenomena for the human perspective, happened through the Messiah. These current disciples of the Master of the Masters – respecting the proportions of spiritual elevation, in relation to the Greater Model – are spokesmen of Jesus Himself, who perform wonders (although substantially eclipsed here or there) in the bodies, minds and hearts of numerous people, even though the people continue to doubt what their own eyes see.

To conclude our brief interpretation of the biblical text, the greater of all prerogatives of the condition of “prophet” – the envoy of Heaven –, which justifies, even, Heaven’s signature on the various “miracles” that happen around him/her, is explained at the beginning and at the end of this passage from the Gospel, chosen for our study: “Jesus taught”. In many occasions of His short life on Earth, Christ stated, before performing great wonders, as in the episode of the “resurrection of Lazarus”, that He did so, so that those witnessing such Prodigies believed He was speaking in the Name of “The One who sent Him”.

The Voice of Truth resounds, through the centuries, upon the Earth. But, as Christ Himself said, only those who have “ears that hear” listen to It, or, in other words, those who have reached a minimum standard of psychological and spiritual maturity to perceive the subtleties and even the obvious realities that are offered, to those wishing to benefit from them, by these servers from Heaven, provisionally confined on Earth.

(Message received by Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar, on October 30, 2011.)

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