Soul’s Truth

Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar by the spirit Sister Brígida

Through the study of your mental states, you will have clear clues of what you should do for your happiness. There comes a time when the obvious becomes more obvious and the individual realizes that one always had, very close by, the answer to everything one wanted, and simply did not think to break with cultural, emotional and egotistical rules that prevented one from seeing his own path of bliss. 

Get rid of all pretension, of all thought of supremacy, of superiority, of all wish to look better or greater, and, at the same time, preserve the impulse of growth, progress and spiritual realization. This way, you will reach the level of perfect balance that we suggest exists: the true platform for happiness. In this subtle plateau lies the point of perfect harmony, for your soul to express itself with no tensions, no distortions, and no torments, free, pure, real, and whole.

Do not seek to fulfill expectations; do not aim to fit into pre-established schemes. Listen to the deep voice of your consciousness. Not the superego’s ideal of hypocritical puritanism, but the supraconsciousness that suggests peace and happiness to you, in the natural flows, ebbs and interflows between the energies of the body, mind and spirit, with no worries, no disguises, no requirements, no terror, but, paradoxically, with passion, with life, with soul…

Stop, now, your inner drama: of demanding yourself to be what you are not and doing what does not correspond to the true vocation of your spirit. Free yourself from the fallacies you have been programmed to believe or came to trust with time. Establish now, once and for all, the rule of personal truth, of the Light that lives within you, of the archetype of wholeness that already has all the answers and needs only to be listened with attention, felt and experienced.

Flow and be… the rest will come.

Message received on December 2, 2001.

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