Still suffering

Benjamin Teixeira from the Spirit Eugênia

This is still a world of great trials. You cannot imagine that in a planet where thousands of children starve to death daily, you can enjoy untainted happiness.

Alongside, each moment of joy, a sadness darkens the brightness of the moment of fable, and the reality shows itself smiling, between sinister and cynical, with its bitter cruelty.

However, it does not mean that, despite this resistance to good and even because of this, one cannot fight for it with even more pronounced vigor, one cannot battle for happiness, for peace, for brotherhood among all people and individuals. The slow advancements of History in this sense say that hope is not vain, but quite the contrary: it turns itself into a scientific certainty –civilizations succeed to one another, empires fall and rise, but everything improves, albeit gradually, from barbarism to humanity, and when humanity is fully achieved someday, we will gravitate to become angels, even though it is still distant.

Do not let yourself disheartened by the bitter moment you experience now: it too will pass, leaving to you, as a mark, the fragrance of the learning, impregnating your soul with new meanings, contents and perceptions as a result of the newly acquired experience.

Cheer life – even pain! which is part of it, so everything takes its proper course, with coherence, purpose, and mainly: general progress.

(Message received on September 6, 2004)

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