

When in Athens, at the time of Pericles, we were a small group of citizens, and a still smaller set of thinking souls. And, from that group of a few embodied spirits, we managed to establish a sowing of ideas and paradigmatic revolutions for all humankind of centuries to come. It is [...]

Creative Unproductiveness.


There is the inertia, the irresponsible idleness, the persistent laziness. Important to distinguish them from seemingly unproductive periods (externally), but which are creative (internally), as if the person was pregnant of herself, gestating perceptions, values, feelings and even new exterior structures of life. The abstraction of the routine, that opens the way [...]



Wherever there is a sincere smile, a word of friendship, a welcoming gesture, a solidary initiative, the pleasure to serve and be useful, there will be hope and the force that generates good, that will make everything gets better and better, to the benefit of all. Be yourself this living flame of good will, [...]