
Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar by the Spirit Eugênia

If you want to grow materially, do not seek too much fortune. A safe with a lot of cash favors an excited mind full of worries and anguish.

If you aim to ascend in the hierarchy of social prestige, do not focus excessive social highlight. Visibility demands psychological tact and spiritual maturity that dismay and shred less prepared spirits.

If you intend to have power to accomplish great things, do not think about it for yourself and your personal interests. Power is a hideous toxic for the soul, driving it crazy in a short time.

If you crave to have culture and intelligence, do not seek them among those who keep pearls for themselves. Knowledge and logic accumulated selfishly, for personal promotion, can only lead the person to the madness of varied obsessions.

If you aim at the vanguard of ideas and values as the purpose of your life, be careful with the high speed of growth and public exposure of your intimate experiences. Who is ahead of his time is seen as crazy, insane or bad character, suffering from excruciating pain due to general persecution and mockery to foster collective progress, often without being heard, even if their idealist’s intentions are the best.

In all you do, choose balance and good judgment. No point in desiring everything to simply lose it later. It is better to aim as little as possible and grow slowly, but continuously, than focusing the very impossible and get nothing besides terrible sufferings of consciousness.

Do what is within your reach now. And, as to the rest, trust God Who will send you missionaries timely (let it be said clearly: in future time) so that others absorb and see what you mean to show them. This happens since not everything can be said to all, neither can be absorbed by everyone nor experienced by everybody in the time that is called now.

Therefore, respect your own limits and the psychological, spiritual and evolutionary limits of others, since, with no respect for the evolutionary rhythms of oneself and the brothers in humanity, nothing true and lasting can be done or built.

(Message received on December 8, 2004)


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