The professional woman

The professional woman

The intelligent leader surrounds him or her with competent and honest women. The woman, generally, seeks to act in a correct way. A man usually focuses on his own career and personal gains.

Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar by the Spirit João Caetano

Part of “Woman” [...]

Determination to pursue the ideal

Determination to pursue the ideal


Boredom and discouragement are among the worst enemies of Goodness. Pay attention to the gaps they open in your soul for the excitement of evil, besides demotivating you from the pleasure of doing good. The determination of acting for the Ideal must be greater than the temptations of [...]

Life’s best frame

Life’s best frame

Men design, combat, reason, execute and conquer. Women also gestate, breastfeed, nurture, shelter, embellish, polish, bring colors and soul to what is created, from a child to a skyscraper.


Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar by the Spirit Clóvis Mozart

Part of “Woman” Read in full at:


Human singularity and karmic responsibility

Human singularity and karmic responsibility

Yours is the fight to be your own self. Yes, every individual is replaceable, and when heedless, his negligence, in the most essential matters to the common good, is covered by the initiative of others. But this happens in a time, manner and extent that allow the appearance of [...]

Apocalyptic phallus

Apocalyptic phallus

Thanks to men, we left the caves – said a lesbian feminist of the counter-movement. Thanks to women, we’d add, we will not destroy ourselves among stylized apocalyptic phalluses like the nuclear missiles.

Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar by the Spirit Laura Amazonas