Authentic Love


Authentic love includes, nurtures, understands, forgives, welcomes, sympathizes, accepts, helps, comforts, enlightens, pacifies, educates, congratulates!… The attitude of who oppresses, condemns, despises, persecutes and believes to be superior, inciting hostility and hatred against groups or individuals, is called tyranny (religious and/or political) and has nothing to do with the Divinity and His-Her sovereign, [...]

The Mother of us all


She was enveloped in light – She is and was Living Light – She appeared to us once again, in the middle of the field, as a solar explosion that we could gaze at (without hurting our “spiritual retinas”) and receive within our own beings, impregnating us with Her luminous emanations. We [...]

Functional leadership

Functional leadership


The authentic, mature and efficient leader focuses on being functional and pragmatic, and not on exercising power. Thus, his/her methods of action are geared toward the end results, and based as much as possible in a hierarchy that is structured in the coordination of individuals and teams, not in anyone’s subordination.


The need for unity

The need for unity

A greater unity among Spiritualists, among Catholics, and among all other Christian denominations is necessary… The topic, however, is much broader, more serious, and profound, my friend.

Our Lord Jesus, from the height of the Cross, beseeched the Supreme Being: “Father, may we all be one.” The unity [...]

How to keep up motivation?

How to keep up motivation?

Do not spend your energy in emotional flamethrowers that burn down everything, leaving behind only ashes and, often, blazing regrets. . .

Choose to invest the fiery forces of your motivation in the slow simmering that allows the cooking, in due time, of the most precious substances of your [...]