Lighting the Light to yourself

Lighting the Light to yourself


Message of the Holy Mary

“Today and always, the courage to serve continually…

 The world swirled and maddened in the contradictions of the ego and of evil may fight against your effort to spread blessings that flow from High Above to you, for the resonance in your truly devout heart.

However, despite all adversities, move forward, fearless, because from the Highest Heavens flow mystical and balmy springs of strength, inspiration and peace, so that you never lack the essential supplies for the task of the Good that was delegated to you by Divine Plan.

Darkness bothers, disturbs, and causes stumbles and falls. So, instead of feeling sorry for yourself, ignite the light of active fraternity, and spread the benefits of clarification and comfort to your brothers and sisters in humanity. This same light of responsible and tireless casolidarity will illuminate your pathways as you persist in channelling – even if partially, for yourself and myriads of other creatures – the Inextinguishable Light of the Infinite Goodness of God.



Intermediated by the Spirit Eugênia-Aspásia.

Medium: Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar.


March 21, 2015.


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