Mercy with spirit of responsability.




Mercy towards oneself always, but without excessive self-complacency, permissiveness or carelessness, which imply connivance with malevolent or criminal inclinations and point out the departure from discipline and from persistent effort of working, studying, self-improvement, and the spirit of responsibility, natural attributes of every worthy and conscious adult person.

HOLY MARY. Intermediated [...]

Mercy towards oneself.


. Mercy towards oneself, compassion with our own less flattering inclinations, so there can be legitimate tolerance for the weaknesses of others. HOLY MARY. Intermediated by the Spirit Eugênia-Aspásia. Medium: Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar. Read in full at: “Mercy towards oneself” [...]

In tune with Heaven.




Will you go to Heaven? There is a simple and direct way of knowing it. You only need to ask yourself: Are you already in Heaven? Better yet: Where you are, does Heaven make Itself present… and active, for the good of your brothers and sisters in humanity? HOLY MARY. Intermediated [...]

Lucidity and optimism.


Lucidity and Optimism Lucidity is necessarily optimistic. Lucid individuals see evil in order to manage their own steps towards good. Spirit Eugênia-Aspásia Medium: Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar April 17, 2015. [...]

Self-forgiveness and conditions to be forgiving to others.


“‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice’– began the Holy Mary, paraphrasing our Master and Lord Jesus. It is vital, however, to understand that one must first exert mercy to oneself. Those who are unable to invest in self-forgiveness will never attain effective, profound and authentic conditions to be forgiving to others.” MARY. Intermediated by the [...]