Qualified Love

Qualified Love


Love is corrupted in the human culture of the Earth. It was only limited, in the past of the species; it is degenerated, in the present civilization, understood and experienced, in general, as mere physical attraction or defensive impulse of the biological offspring, almost always presented with brilliant and poetic rationalizations, which [...]

Praise to the Infinite Mercy of God

Praise to the Infinite Mercy of God


The night was sprinkled with stars, the sky fully visible, cloudless.

Close to midnight, Cibele and I, united in a prayer — this time, accompanied by a few more ladies from our realm of existence —, we noticed the Sacred Figure of Our Greater MOTHER forming. [...]

Consequence (Maxim)

Consequence (Maxim)

Tread on the suffering of others and, sooner or later, you will realize to be stomping on the most sensible parts of your soul and of your life, suffering the effect of your own insensitivity, whether you believe it or not.

Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar by the Spirit Temístocles.


The illusion of neutrality

The illusion of neutrality

Neutrality, in almost every circumstance of life, does not exist.

Failure to cooperate with good implies, at least, a delay in its diffusion.

Not to fight evil is to encourage its spread and to connive with its consequences…

Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar

by [...]

100 years of the “Miracle of the Sun” in Fatima

100 years of the “Miracle of the Sun” in Fatima

It was a little past 6 pm, Brasilia time zone, when Our Greater Mother, Holy MARY, appeared to us, radiating powerful Solar Light, and, after Her full manifestation, as if whispering the acoustic of the soul, She told us:

“In this coming [...]