Missile Crisis in Syria¹

Missile Crisis in Syria¹ 


The nuclear powers disagree… and become estranged… 

Tempers flare… and they panic…  

And hope is troubled in the hearts of many, throughout the Earth… 

However, from Above the whole whirlwind, the Infinite Goodness of God watches and protects… 

And, so, I have come to ratify, for the comfort of the souls of goodwill:  

This human civilization, rooted in the earthly orb, is saved from the Armageddon! … 

On the other hand, however, and to pay homage for our corroboration of the salvation of the world, we ask, of every creature of goodwill, greater drive and determination in the practice of solidarity, of tolerance, of wariness (self-criticism) and of prayer, in the sense that each person becomes a living psychic antenna, repeater of the Love of God on the caustic deserts of lovelessness, on the surface of this planet. 

According to the measure, depth and continuity of the collaboration of those who lie in the dense matter, we will have a greater or lesser extent of the avoidable suffering, until the definitive establishment of the universal confraternization and peace on the globe!… 


Holy MARY 

Intermediation of the Spirit Eugênia-Aspásia 

Psychography received by Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar 

April 14, 2018 


1. Currently underway, this April 2018. 

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