Flow, enlightenment and enthusiasm

Last Thursday, the 25th of April, the Spiritual Guide Eugênia-Aspásia asked me to go into a psychophonic trance, with the voice recording system activated, so that the communication could be forwarded to the participants of the prayer and mediumship meetings of our Organization, in the nucleus of Brazil, of United States, of England and of Canada.


In the audio, sent under the character of confidentiality, the sweet Soul informed that the content came from the Higher Level of Conscience, clarifying, after the recording was finished, that the Original Author of the Message was the Mother-Angel. After we arranged the transcription of her spoken communication, Eugênia-Aspásia herself polished the material, not only removing more prosaic aspects of her conversation with the recipients of this audio, but also removing the development of some themes presented in a more summary way, so that the result of this polishing would represent, as faithfully as possible, the Missive received from the Mother-Angel. Here follows the result.


When Jesus asserted He was the “Way, the Truth and the Life”, He called attention to the fact that, in terms of prevalence of the mental focus and of importance of events, human beings, in the search for Divine Purposes regarding themselves, must consider this trine sequence of priorities — not necessarily in chronological order.




Attention, firstly, to the way or flow, in the broadest sense: what is happening to the creature, internally or externally, what they feel, what they intuit, what is asked of them from outside, the urgencies of the moment, as well as their intimate impressions about these observed events, And all these must be submitted to the sieve of their reason and conscience.


By the continuous effort to find the possible harmony between their intuitions and inner experiences and the demands and signals (implied in the phenomena) of the external world, the responsible and conscious person will be joining the Flow and paradoxically participating in the orchestration of billions of variables that compose the bundle of intertwined causes of the existential events, from the most common to the most extraordinary ones, favoring the attunement with the Will of God for them — their most profound way of personal realization.




From the moment the individual joins the flow of the currents of life, in their core, all sorts of clarification that comes to be necessary naturally rises, in the form of orientation from the level of consciousness of the Good and of the Wisdom — of the Supraordination. In this state of resonance with the Universe, the spirit is capable of accessing, spontaneously, according to their evolutionary coefficient, everything they need to know, finding solutions for their dilemmas, pari passu to the appearance of each problem, while they tread the Flow, the Way, with the same serenity and proficiency with which an animal executes operations that are instinctive to it.



At last, as the third stage of deepening of the consciousness regarding the Divine Guidelines and Delegations that concern it, the disciples of the Light are called to verify, in each circumstance, as a result of the two previous steps and, concomitantly, as a thermometer of how much they really are in the route of the Way and of the Truth, if it emerges, from their inner cosmos, the enthusiasm — which means being full of God, according to the etymological origin of the word —, the motivation, the creativity, the productivity, the joy of living… in short, in its plenipotentiary amplitude, meaning and realization: Life!…


Message from Mother-Angel

Intermediation of Eugênia-Aspásia (Spirit)
Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar (medium)
April 27, 2019


Flow, enlightenment and enthusiasm

Flow, enlightenment and enthusiasm

Flow, enlightenment and enthusiasm

Flow, enlightenment and enthusiasm

Flow, enlightenment and enthusiasm

Flow, enlightenment and enthusiasm

Flow, enlightenment and enthusiasm

Flow, enlightenment and enthusiasm

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