Unprecedented planetary urgency – the pandemic as a transformative lesson or the pandemonium as a devastating consequence

The Spirit Eugênia-Aspásia appeared to me and requested:

“In the Name of Our Planetary Mother, Mary Christ, and the entire Community of the Holy Spirits of God, publish the words that follow, as a special favor.”

Here, then, is the brief Message that the Council of Spiritual Masters dictated to my psychospiritual hearing:

We are all hospitalized in a colossal evolutionary ICU. The Earth, as a biosphere, lies sick, and we, as human civilization, are the most responsible for this massive disease.

Century after century, we have not managed to unite in favor of the common good. We hope that, in the fight against a common evil, we succeed in the fundamental realization of organizing ourselves, effectively, as a single human family.

Complex public health issues, even in wealthy nations, and the correlated and serious economic implications intertwine, alerting us of what is still to come, especially to people and social segments immersed in poverty.

At this moment, union and fraternity do not sound like poetic abstractions of less educated thinkers, but precisely what we, as individuals and collectivities, should always have clearly perceived: a need of survival that we all share.

We hope that, as soon as possible, a critical mass of people and communities wake up for the historical seriousness of this planetary emergency. And, thus, all indispensable steps are taken to preserve our species on the orb, as Our Master and Lord Jesus asserted when recommending us not to “sin” again, so that something worse does not happen to us (John, 5:14).

May we be vigilant and solidary, urgently, and adopt a definitive decision to change, in all our paradigms of action, be it in the field of work, life in society or international relations.

Eugênia-Aspásia (Spirit)
in the Name of Mary Christ
Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar (medium)
Bethel (CT), metropolitan region of New York, USA
March 27, 2020





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