From the feminine perspective

As an organization in special status with the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), since 2018, the Instituto Salto Quântico (Sociedade Filantrópica Maria de Nazaré) has been invited once again1 to submit a written statement, in the preparatory preambles of CSW65 — The sixty-fifth session of the Commission on the Status of Women —, [...]

Your freedom… angel or demon?


Free will without discernment constitutes a wide-open door to the loss of one’s own freedom.

Only with a spirit of judicious reflection, with a refined critical and self-critical sense, with a clear notion of ethical principles and humanitarian values, can human beings make more conscious choices, better fitting their own and the common [...]

Rupture of the ego, for the rapture of the Spirit


Beloved children:

May each sincere devotee promote the rupture of the walls of his/her own ego, to favor the rapture of his/her Spirit to the Kingdom of Heavens, within his/herself.

For this, it is essential to be sure to detect the voice of the conscience, which does not condone norms of castrating [...]