Christmas manger and human heart

Christmas manger and human heart


The symbolism of the manger for the birth of JESUS is strong. The Christ Verb of the Divine Truth longs to be born, as a Level of Consciousness, in the very limitation of our human hearts, enclosed within a stable of moral and psycho-spiritual primitivism, just as the stable is a redoubt for animals — of our stubborn, millenary vitiations of the feeling, crystallizations of the thought, derangements of the behavior…

Our Master and Lord JESUS does not expect from us a golden cradle inside a luxurious alcove, in a palace of sanctified virtues or in a castle of archetypal illumination, for Him to be born in our hearts — even if, metaphorically, like a fragile newborn baby—, as a supraordinate, curative, liberating, transformative and joy-bringing pattern of thinking and feeling.

He, indeed, expects from us the maternal or paternal welcome, the protection and nourishment (our sincere devotional impulses), in continued and structured spiritual disciplines, so that He can reach the evolutionary stature of an Adult INNER Christ, who we all must help bloom and fully flourish, throughout the endless centuries of our individual journey of experiences, of existences, into eternity…

Eugênia-Aspásia (Spirit)
Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar (medium)
December 25, 2017

Christmas manger and human heart

Christmas manger and human heart

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