Death and Life, in the problems of day-to-day life

As a way to solve dilemmas that, apparently or at first glance, seem too complicated or unsolvable, here is an alternative interpretation for the words of the Christ Jesus: “Let the dead bury their dead”.

Let, beloved child, the forces of death bury the dead situations. Quite often, the best you can do to solve an issue that seems an impasse is to leave it in an incubation process, as if elaborating itself, by the action of the flows of Life, while you engage in relevant activities at the service of the common good or in any useful task that interests you.

The Divine Providence and the Powers of creativity, then, at the right time, in a simple or often surprising way, will enable the enigma to come up deciphered, diluted or transcended, in different, better or even excellent scenarios.

Entire existences are usually lost with secondary trivialities, such as the appearance of the physical body, professional status, acquisition of wealth or the daily quarrels of interpersonal relationships.

Life is fulfilled in the background of great events-principles, not in the superficial shell of ordinary events.

Pay attention to what you really seek in terms of profound personal fulfillment… And, most likely, you will find yourself too absorbed by the operational procedures of routine, disconnected from what truly matters, be it in the field of affective bonds, in the field of vocation or, especially, in the sphere that should always be a priority in your focus of attention: the one concerning your true feelings, your conscience, the purpose of your existence, the most elevated and altruistic objective which, by Divine Design, keeps you temporarily encapsulated in an organism of dense matter and, thus, comprises, because it represents the Will of God, the safest and most effective way – if not the only way – to provide you with the so longed happiness.

Eugênia-Aspásia (Spirit)
in the Name of Mary Christ
Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar (medium)
Bethel, CT, metropolitan region of New York, USA
June 12, 2020


Death and Life, in the problems of day-to-day life

Death and Life, in the problems of day-to-day life

Death and Life, in the problems of day-to-day life

Death and Life, in the problems of day-to-day life

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