Mystical Union

It does not matter your spiritual practice, your religio-philosophical inclination or choice for a particular approach to the essential subject of Spirituality – the Fundamental Floor of Reality, whose deepest foundations are based on the Creator.

What you really need to evaluate are the constructive, healing, transformative, humanizing effects of your psychospiritual practices, whether they are unfolded through meditation, prayer or the interaction with the inhabitants of other dimensions of consciousness.

Devote yourself, with immovable discipline, to one or more [spiritual] activities of your preference, interweaving or alternating them, but, no matter what, keep the focus on becoming a more complete, solidary human being at the service of the common good, in the (currently available) plenipotence of your capacities to offer the good, the beautiful and the just to your brothers and sisters in humanity.

Other than that, there is no salvation. Therein lies, fully, the safe roadmap for your redemption, transcendence and maximum coefficient of fulfillment and happiness that you can experience today, no matter your evolutionary stage.

This axial principle is expressed in the Words of the Christ Jesus, concomitantly in the form of prayer to God, of prophecy and of exhortation to His authentic disciples: “Father, may all be One”1, to which we add, simultaneously as a prayer, a prediction and a strong call to individuals and communities to fight to realize the sacred civilizational project of this orb:

Divine Mother, may all become united in the full and pure fraternity, even if gradually, no matter whether the final goal seems and in fact is reserved for a still distant future, for the so problematic earthly humanity of today.

Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar (medium)
and Eugênia-Aspásia (Spirit)
in the Name of Mary Christ
Bethel, CT, metropolitan region of New York, USA
January 20, 2021
1. John, 17:21.


Mystical Union

Mystical Union

Mystical Union

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