Blessed saga

Blessed saga

You are the author of your own biography.

Observe the story you write, day by day, with the ink of your blood, your sweat, your tears, by hand, without the “magical help of any electronic typing technology”, and you will notice that your story is a hero’s (heroine’s) saga, or, at least, a survivor’s feat.

Revisit, from memory, the difficult moments you have already gone through, coming out of each one of them more mature, stronger.

Remember how many times your enemies declared you doomed to failure or even completely ruined.

And yet, here you are, honorably carrying on the work of good entrusted to you by Divine Design, progressively more confident, wiser and more serene.

Let those who march in the light of the fires they themselves lit shout their insane vituperations. Ignore, thus, the vilifications you have been suffering, and go on confidently.

Those who are under Divine Tutelage have nothing to fear.

Perceive the celestial signals that frame your path of good deeds and reassure your weary, although unalterably determined, heart.

Nothing goes unnoticed in this universe of Divine Love, but also of Sublime Justice…

Await the answer of time, persevering in the tasks of fraternal service that your conscience tells you are due, and rest assured: the assistance, the supplies of strength, inspiration and solution, for each one of your problems, will come more appropriately and profoundly than you can imagine now.

Lastly, rest your soul, in peace, in the sacred refuge of prayer… and wait… wait…

Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar (medium)
Gustavo Henrique (Spirit)
Bethel, CT, the metropolitan area of New York, USA
December 14, 2020

Blessed saga

Blessed saga

Blessed saga

Blessed saga

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