Debilitated, between the purgatory and the paradise…

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Indeed, you consider a great honor — and even an act of Celestial Mercy — the opportunity to be useful to the common good.

You contemplate, with sincere joy, in the reel of time, the benefits you spread in the bosom of the community you are part of — many of them with original and very significative contours that allow you to tell yourself, with confidence, that you need to carry on in your battlefield.


You observe, downcast, the extension of the days and challenges that lie ahead after so many painful winters already endured in the past.

Your heart is cut to the bone by the cold wind from the lack of love of those who do not understand you and who stone your ideal, year after year…

It cuts deep into your soul all the blasts of ferocious hostility against the good you do, provoked by agents of the disaggregation and by the petty and subaltern interests of many…

In addition to that, you also notice the weariness of your body, the emotional exhaustion, the hindrances cause by those who walk along with you in this journey and who could assist you more in the meritorious activities you devote yourself to…

As the crowning of your “via Crucis”, it comes to you in cyclic waves, whispering to you warm and painful memories, the profound longing for the Other Side and the affections you left Here…

For now, however, work and serve, help and comfort, elucidate and support as much as your strength allows you to.

Sublime Authorities have interest in the work that unfolds through you, bringing help to countless disoriented spirits, within and outside the domain of dense matter, and they will provide you with supplies of energies, inspiration and opportunities,whenever necessary, so that you can act in accordance to the dictates of your conscience.

In parallel, assimilate, as much as possible, the lesson and the stimulus to your own growth,from the less fortunate experiences — everything has a purpose under the Perfect Order of the Supreme-Intelligence Being.

Cheer up, friend. Pray, do everything within your reach at every moment, in favor of your neighbors, and wait.

If you have really reached the limit of what you can bear, remember: the Divine Goodness sees and will offer you liberation that will recue you in due time.


Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar (medium)
Sister Brígida and Eugênia-Aspásia (Spirits)
Bethel, CT, metropolitan region of New York, USA
December 27, 2020


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