Fraternal Amalgam and spiritual joy, with discipline and combativeness for the common good

I represent the Amalgam of fraternal communion in the communities of sincere devotees and the Joy of rapture and enthusiasm of those who fairly perform their spiritual duties as pointed out by their consciences.

Jesus, in turn, symbolizes both the Sword and the Cross of discipline and discernment, as the Combat for the victory of the good, the truth and the life in every time and place.

Together, we complement each other in the christic, archetypal and mythological functions essential to the evolutionary dynamism of individuals and communities.

May each one learn how to distinguish, with clarity and acuity, when mercy must be applied from when, conversely, compassion turns into sentimentality, complacency and connivance with evil.

May, on the other hand, the spirit of justice be always joined with the purpose of service, with the responsibility for the common good, with the coherence with the principles and causes to which one has committed oneself.

May we choose, in every circumstance, balance, ponderation, the courageous disposition to follow the calls of one’s own conscience, despite any kind of sociocultural, professional, family or even religious conveniences.

May one continually seek in everything and everyone, as possible, the essence rather than the appearance.

Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar (medium)
Eugênia-Aspásia (Spirit)
in the Name of Mary Christ
LaGrange, New York, United States
December 21, 2022

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