Uncomplicating the Essential

I am with you and I assist you, in the Name of the Supreme Being.

In a deeper plane of Reality, it is impossible for me not to be with you or not to assist you. The only obstacle, albeit inviolable, by an irrevocable Universal Law of respect for individual freedom, are your conscious or unconscious choices.

I have two suggestions to favor your mystical union not only with me, but with the Saint Spirits of God.

1) Practice the authentic search for the peace brought by detachment, devotion, surrender and unrestricted trust in the Perfect Providence.

2) Follow the Divine Flow of inspiration to initiatives that behoove you, according to the guidance of your conscience and your intuitions, continually assessing where your duty of fraternity and service to the common good lies, regardless of how many people you reach.

If you heed these two general rules and apply them with discipline in your daily life, you will greatly ease my intercession in your favor, like windows that open up in a dark room allowing the Sunlight to enter.

Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar (medium)
Eugênia-Aspásia (Spirit)
in the Name of Mary Christ
LaGrange, New York, USA
August 7, 2023

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