When one is neither a genius nor a saint

The genius and wisdom of spirits matured in the crucible of centuries may be inaccessible to you, beloved child.

The prudence, however, to evaluate with criteria what is practical, realistic and constructive to do, will always be viable for you.

The holiness and compassion of souls gifted with the light of feelings refined over millennia of sacrifice, renunciation and love for others may, in fact, be unattainable at your current level of evolution.

However, goodwill, translated into supportive, fraternal and idealistic behavior, will invariably be within the sprectrum of your possibilities for action.

Do not expect too much from yourself or from others, or you will easily fall into the traps of hopelessness, pessimism, cynicism and nihilism.

Pursue the little which, for your level of development, can be a lot but achievable and sustainable, with immovable discipline and perseverance.

In this way, you will be applying the lesson that the Christ-Verb Jesus taught when saying the Kingdom of God is like a tiny mustard seed which, over time, becomes the largest of all vegetables.¹

Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar (medium)
Eugênia-Aspásia (Spirit)
In the Name of Mary Christ
May 17, 2024

1 Mark 4:30-32.

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