Would the apocalypse be imminent and inevitable?

Hecatombs with apocalyptic potential are taking shape and multiplying frighteningly, from a human perspective.

The slaughters perpetrated against children and defenseless citizens continue, in a Dantesque and seemingly unstoppable scene, with a clear inclination to worsen and get out of control.

Everywhere, from academic debates to the headlines of respectable news outlets, through the chaotic gibberish of social networks and the pessimistic conversations within families and circles of close friends, the panic and the desperation flirt with the psyche of individuals and collectivities, presenting themselves as the inevitable outcome of rational pondering.

It is not, beloved children. Despair will never be the answer to anything, no matter how serious a problem or set of simultaneous crises – such as those currently faced by earthly humanity – may be, for a simple and practical reason: instead of solving, despair aggravates the scenario of complex enigmas faced by people and groups, in addition to closing the psychological, intellectual and creative doors and channels to the discovery and development of solution initiatives.

Strictly speaking, there is nothing fundamentally new about what is happening at this dark dawn of the third millennium of the Christian era. Wars, famines, natural disasters, affronts to nature and social injustices have been a dominant feature in the history of earthly civilization.

What is most serious is that these ancient demons of the earthly human family have become global in scale, in a way that, especially with regard to war and nuclear threats – both regional and global – and the growing destruction of the planet’s delicate ecosystemic balance, the danger of extinction of the lives of human beings and a cyclopean number of other animal and plant species is, in an objective and dramatic way, blatantly realistic and not at all alarmist.

May every minimally conscious individual and organization unite, in a joint effort with the commitments being made by authorities and communities of Higher Domains of Consciousness, so that the much-prophesied sixth mass extinction of life on Earth does not occur, but rather, in one form or another, as happily or with as little suffering as possible the severely threatened ongoing civilizational experiment survives on the surface of the planet.

Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar (medium)
Eugênia-Aspásia (Spirit)
In the Name of Mary Christ
April 19, 2024

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