Michelangelo and lost time

The highlight of 11/12/23 lecture

Are you an agent of the good or a puppet of evil?

Negligible destructive events within interpersonal relationships would easily degenerate, by domino effect, into situations of calamitous chaos, if it were not for the action of agents of the good who, both inside and outside of dense matter, function in the social fabric as stakes or fence posts that sustain the harmony and stability that [...]

Self-sufficiency and wisdom

The highlight of 01/14/24 lecture

Clarity of psychovidence

The highlight of 07/23/23 lecture

In the foreground

Why rush so much? Why acquire more money, power or prestige?

Answer me with honesty: does this make you happier, more peaceful, more fulfilled?

Love your loved ones, be good to those who deserve it and need it, be charitable toward strangers or adversaries, be kind toward everyone.