Being empathetic without being pathetic nor surrendering to the pathological and the temptations of the diabolical

Guilt indicates that someone has empathy and a conscience – and is therefore not a psychopath.

However, with regrettable frequency, it degenerates into guilt syndrome and its various corollaries: emotional self-flagellation, physical self-mutilation, psychological regression to infantile attitudes and all sorts of self-destructive or destructive reactions, which not only prevent the offender from using the painful energy of realizing their own mistake for self-knowledge and self-improvement, but also impel the one who falls into their subtle and dark meshes to burden themselves with more guilt and more karma, in counterproductive conduct.

To be constructive, guilt must be converted into repentance. And the contrite individual needs to find out where their moral issues to be settled are.

Once these evolutionary demands have been discovered, then comes the time for the creature to exercise responsibility: to mobilize themselves to correct their faults and make reparations to those who have been the victims of their bad behavior or, in general, to make reparations to other people or different human groups for the karmic debts acquired as a result of their unjust action or inexcusable omission, striving to earn spiritual credits that they can amass in the good to be done, in as much better quality and to a greater extent as is feasible.

Thus, even though fallible, if they are self-critical and proactive, the genuine seeker of the Light assimilates the experience of their mistakes, transmuting the driving force of the fall into a dynamic of self-improvement and transcendence.

Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar (medium)
Eugênia-Aspásia (Spirit)
In the Name of Mary Christ
June 6, 2024

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