Humanity’s Greatest Hope – a simple tribute, a relevant reminder

She brought the Voice of Truth to Earth two thousand years ago and is currently the Last and Greatest Hope for our planetary civilization – on the brink of apocalypse in so many ways!…

It was to Whom Christ Jesus bequeathed us, from the top of the Cross, represented by all of us in the figure of John the Evangelist.¹

Hail, Mary Christ, Living Reflector of God’s Infinite Goodness and Mercy for earthly humanity!

Welcome to our hearts and help us to tune in to Your Mental Level of Benevolence and Wisdom, through the acts of fraternity and service to the common good that we ourselves unfold in any area of our existence.

So let’s earn it!

Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar (medium)
Eugênia-Aspásia (Spirit)
December 27, 2023

 1 John 19:27.

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