Focus, decision, opportunity and danger in a potentially apocalyptic age

What is the central purpose of your activities and functions, in all departments of your existence?

To what ends should you give the primacy of your attention?

These are the issues in which human beings should especially exercise attentiveness, to avoid more serious errors and favor greater successes, in terms of extension and quality.

There are days when needs or urgencies seem to obscure and even block the filter of priorities, leading to a dangerous loss of the sense of the proportions of meaning and importance of events, passions and values.

On these more delicate occasions, when the soul becomes fragile to the infiltration of evil, it is even more necessary to maintain the effort of paying attention to what really is relevant to observe, in order to take care of it with the utmost zeal, because, as the Christ-Verb Jesus taught, "only one Thing matters"¹.

Often, in particularly critical situations, there is more fertile ground for serving the Common Good – which is the most direct way for a human being to relate to Divinity. It is worth remembering the words of the apostle John: "Love is God"².

The lenses of perception often present flaws in focus, distorting the reading of the fractions of reality within their reach. Noticing that one has inadequate perceptions of the world and of oneself is one of the main and primary assets of what is now called, on the physical plane, metacognition or, in more vernacular language, self-critical lucidity.

The assumption-illusion of seeing, with objectivity and certainty, any aspect of a given circumstance, clearly shows that the individual is not being very intelligent and mature, in the rational as well as in the psychological and moral sense, when they elaborate concepts about what surrounds them, from prosaic events to major occurrences, including their perspective of evaluation regarding their brothers and sisters in humanity and themselves.

May the disciples of the Light strive to experience, as continuously as possible, an intimate state of responsibility for serving the good of their fellow human beings, and they will progressively place themselves in communion with the Community of Holy Spirits of God, receiving from Them guidance and support on how best to proceed in the various areas of their life.

This potentially apocalyptic time marks the end of a civilizational cycle and the start of a correlated new era for earthly humanity. Making the most of this unique window of opportunity, however, depends on the free and interwoven decisions of people and groups of all orders and dimensions.

Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar (medium)
Eugênia-Aspásia (Spirit)
In the Name of Mary Christ
June 14, 2024
1. Luke 10:41-42.
2. 1 John 4:16.

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