The greatest challenge

Being happy – is the greatest challenge of faith, the main karma of the spiritual being, the utmost duty, purpose and meaning of human existence.

However, to be happy, a creature needs to listen to its own conscience, follow its own ideal, fulfill its own vocation.

Without spirituality, fraternal love and service to the common good, there is no path of light that does not descend into a path of darkness.

With solidarity, a teleological spirit¹ and, above all, connection with the Designs of God, by deeply listening to the voice of one’s own soul, everything is possible, and plenitude becomes, step by step, a constant, an achievement, a destiny!…


Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar (medium)
Eugênia-Aspásia (Spirit)
May 15, 2007


1. The spiritual author wanted to say that we should always seek a useful end in every circumstance in life, transforming everything into a reason for learning and growth.

(Medium’s note)


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