When despair and impossibility seem to besiege your soul

How wonderful it is when human beings set plausible, sustainable goals that are simultaneously in
consonance with what they perceive to be their duty, in the conceptual chapter of the non-negotiable

Divine Providence always helps us to carry out what we know is our responsibility. We are never short of supplies of strength and inspiration to travel the paths of His-Her Will.

Raise the eyes of your soul to the sky dotted with stars and distant worlds, without allowing yourself to be haunted by the darkness of the night that has fallen over the panoramas and horizons of your perceptions, of what you consider as your world, the scenario of reality in which you feel inserted, of which you understand yourself to be a part.

The most difficult hours or days will pass and soon there will be a new dawn…

Be vigilant, however, so that you do not give in to the temptation of despair, in the metaphorical
stillness of the early hours of a psychologically bad time, and end up surrendering to the voracious
wolves and venomous snakes that lurk around you and of which it is vital to beware, in the dark stretches of your existential journey.

Seek safe shelter when you realize you can no longer walk without stumbling. And keep your guard up
so that the place where you have chosen to take refuge remains continually closed off from predators or poisonous reptiles.

Do not make decisions in the heat of panic or hopelessness. Tranquilize yourself in the sacred refuge of prayer, of meditation, of trust in God’s unrestricted benevolence and wait for the Sun of Divine Help to rise on the next day with possibilities, stimuli and guidance on the good to be done for yourself, your loved ones and the communities in which you have been placed to serve and be useful.

Human beings can take the path of hope in any circumstances, while the luminous clarity of faith is not present.

The decision to acclimate to the good or submit to the evil, regardless of the complexity of a problem or crisis faced, is an exclusively intimate one, since the reasons for persevering in the best or the justifications for giving up, in the direction of the worst, will always spark in the individual’s psyche, as a matter of automatic focus, attunement and consciousness.

Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar (medium)
Eugênia-Aspásia (Spirit)
In the Name of Mary Christ
June 19, 2024

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