The greatest challenge

Being happy – is the greatest challenge of faith, the main karma of the spiritual being, the utmost duty, purpose and meaning of human existence.

However, to be happy, a creature needs to listen to its own conscience, follow its own ideal, fulfill its own vocation.

Without spirituality, fraternal love and service to the common [...]

Focus, decision, opportunity and danger in a potentially apocalyptic age

What is the central purpose of your activities and functions, in all departments of your existence?

To what ends should you give the primacy of your attention?

These are the issues in which human beings should especially exercise attentiveness, to avoid more serious errors and favor greater successes, in terms of extension and quality.


Humanity’s Greatest Hope – a simple tribute, a relevant reminder

She brought the Voice of Truth to Earth two thousand years ago and is currently the Last and Greatest Hope for our planetary civilization – on the brink of apocalypse in so many ways!…

It was to Whom Christ Jesus bequeathed us, from the top of the Cross, represented by all [...]

How to activate the consciousness

The highlight of 08/27/23 lecture

Delicate relationship with technology

The highlight of 10/22/23 lecture