Phenomenon of the Sun – 15 years since the first visit of Mary Christ to the Earth’s surface

15 years ago, I approached the surface of the Earth for the first time to personally¹ transmit one of my Messages to earthly humanity through this new Sanctuary², the only one that presents me as I truly am: the Christic Mother of the earthly civilization.

I am overjoyed to be able to continue sending [...]

Warning to the ungrateful and unjust

“To each one shall be given according to their deeds”¹ — warned the Christ-Verb Jesus.

Applying this Christic maxim to regrettable cases of ingratitude and injustice committed against Environments that constitute special Sources of Divine Blessings, we once again assert, through our spokespeople², that those who turn their backs on Grace enter a line [...]

The true Jesus

The highlight of 10/15/23 lecture

Being and doing in the world

Be the plumb line of balance and harmony, wherever and with whomever you are.

Show fraternity and make yourself useful and generous in all circumstances.

Touch the heart and awaken the intelligence of the people you live with or those you can reach, helping them to set out on the path of the common [...]

Being empathetic without being pathetic nor surrendering to the pathological and the temptations of the diabolical

Guilt indicates that someone has empathy and a conscience – and is therefore not a psychopath.

However, with regrettable frequency, it degenerates into guilt syndrome and its various corollaries: emotional self-flagellation, physical self-mutilation, psychological regression to infantile attitudes and all sorts of self-destructive or destructive reactions, which not only prevent the offender from using [...]