The impermanence, complexity and lucidity of faith

Manage your crises by lessening unbalanced factors, by containing impulses that cannot be addressed immediately and by sublimating destructive elements that are already susceptible to being converted into constructive variables.

Do not fear adversities – they all pass, while the lessons they provide remain forever. Although it sounds cliché, it is a fact that, [...]

God and science

The highlight of 02/04/24 lecture

Magic, attunement and reality

The highlight of 02/04/24 lecture

Better attunement (2)


Modest in speaking.

Moderate in eating.

Thoughtful in thinking.

Dynamic in acting.

Meditative in reacting.

Tireless in learning.

Unchangeable in praying and serving.


Understanding in relationships.

Indulgent in remembering.

Calm in planning.


Happy in being.

Persistent in the ideal.

Unshakeable in the essential…


Therefore, remain as serene, generous and wise as [...]

The misunderstood irony of the genius

Albert Einstein’s infamous maxim about a hypothetical World War IV sounds so naive and unrealistic when interpreted literally. It seems obvious to me that the great astrophysics genius’s intention in coining this sentence was somewhere between satire and dramatic didacticism in the two parts of his assertion.

In the first, he [...]