Darkness at dawn and the bitter fruits of life

Dawn is always dark. Although, in the early moments of daybreak, there is the emergence of a soft light, darkness is still dominant on Earth and in the sky.

Have patience, beloved child, and preserve a lucid vision of reality, more in keeping with what it really is, without childish fantasies. All authentic and lasting growth is laborious, difficult and time-consuming.

And, even when there are unequivocal signs that a new level of consciousness has been reached, this in no way implies the disappearance of problems or the dilution of human fallibility and the natural vicissitudes of existence.

New chapters in the evolutionary journey bring renewed challenges, which must be interpreted as precious opportunities for further learning and personal development, and not as punishments or fatalities, much less as injustices, because, at this point, the individual not only incurs the blasphemous attitude of someone who accuses the Supreme Being of making a mistake, but also slips into a crass state of eclipse of good sense by presuming such foolishness.

All the fruit that comes from the Tree of Life is good. Often, however, they turn out to be bitter, like coffee, which invigorates cognitive functions. On other occasions, they can be acidic, like citrus fruits, which contain the relevant vitamin C. Then there are the acrid-sweet ones, like the semi-acidic apple. And, naturally, there are also the sweet and substantial ones, such as bananas, which are rich in various types of nutrients that are fundamental to the health of the physical body.

Learn to adjust to the different scenarios of the human condition, seeking to discover evolutionary factors in all of them, because this is always, in the final instance, the Divine Purpose in overseeing any events, however unpleasant or catastrophic they may appear to the limited viewpoint of the human being.

It is up to creatures endowed with discernment to assess, reflect and act in accordance with this wise, mature and, strictly speaking, extremely pragmatic perspective.

Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar (medium)
Eugênia-Aspásia (Spirit)
In the Name of Mary Christ
July 4, 2024

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