Will of God – Guidance of Jesus for you

Jesus wants the union of the opposites, the harmonious coexistence between those who are different, the educational developments of the interactions between individuals and human groups, with the primary aim of gradually intertwining everyone with the Community of souls devoted to the common good, toward the Mystical Union of the Holy Spirits of God, in Eternity.

This is why it is written in the classic Gospels His maxim, which is simultaneously a prayer, a prophecy and a teaching: “Father (Mother), may they all be one”¹.

Make an effort, beloved child, as much as is feasible for your current evolutionary coefficient, without intimate violence and in a sustainable standard of conduct, to live forgiveness, fraternity and a state of readiness for altruistic service, in all departments of your existence, applying, toward this unquenchable beacon, intimate talents and external resources that are available to you.

In this way, you will undoubtedly be fulfilling the Will of God for you.

Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar (medium)
Eugênia-Aspásia (Spirit)
In the Name of Mary Christ
July 12, 2024
1. John 17:21.

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