Faced with the reality of evil

Focus your thoughts on love, dear children. Do not stop to dwell on hatred. The monoideism of aversion leads to all sorts of hostility and moral decadence.

Conjecture on love and its expressions of goodness, tenderness and pity, which represent the deepest degree of lucidity and perception attainable at the hominal stage of [...]

Urgent and determined action now… or the apocalypse at any moment, on multiple fronts

Women should be considered the center of human culture and civilization.

Millennia of patriarchy, both in the West and the East, have proved oppressive and bloodthirsty, and the only reason the human race has not long since been wiped off the planet’s surface is due to a lack of war technology. This is not [...]

Horror and success

The highlight of 12/24/23 lecture

Are you a psychopath?

The highlight of 07/07/24 lecture