Faced with the reality of evil

Focus your thoughts on love, dear children. Do not stop to dwell on hatred. The monoideism of aversion leads to all sorts of hostility and moral decadence.

Conjecture on love and its expressions of goodness, tenderness and pity, which represent the deepest degree of lucidity and perception attainable at the hominal stage of evolution, and therefore have nothing to do with naivety or ignorance, as less mature spirits tend to suppose.

When you come across the perversity of someone who consciously perpetrates evil, try, besides curbing the ominous act, to experience a sincere feeling of compassion, recognizing that this creature suffers from a serious illness of the soul, which translates into possession by evil, exacerbated internally and enhanced by attunement with external malevolence, real and extremely dangerous, despite the fact that today’s culture, inflated by pseudo-wise men and women, pretends to deny it.

Unfortunately, evil exists and is very active in the world, as a terrain in which dark geniuses work, for multimillennial ages, against Divine Love.

Paradoxically, however, God allows evil to manifest itself with relative freedom, so that human beings have the opportunity to exercise discernment, to ponder and make conscientious choices, to overcome the vice of literal obedience to the dictates of external reality, in short: to awaken, within themselves, the sacred spark that, through psychic resonance, will give them access to the Creator Him-Herself.

Only then, beloved children, by means of imperturbable consonance with the Origin of Everything, will you enjoy unassailable security. Until then, preserve in your hearts the unforgettable warning from the Voice of Truth on Earth: “Watch and pray, so that you will not fall into temptation.”¹

Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar (medium)
Eugênia-Aspásia (Spirit)
in the Name of Mary Christ
January 16, 2011

1 Matthew 26:41.

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