Constant doubt is one of the greatest enemies of faith. But even worse is human beings’ lack of commitment to their conscience.
Anyone who is really willing to listen to the Voice of God in the recesses of their heart undoubtedly knows that what Is can never cease to Be.
Life is spirit. Existence, however, manifests itself even in brutality. Therefore, it is essential to exercise, daily, as much as possible, listening to and heeding the promptings of one’s own conscience, which basically concern the most sacred ideals and principles of the soul, the heavenly impulses of fulfillment through the common good, the unfolding of any and all expressions of solidarity, empathy, compassion, goodness.
The exacerbated cerebration of modern times favors every kind of illusion and folly, distancing individuals from their spiritual essence and inhibiting their ability to perceive, read and intuit the Fundamental Reality.
“The letter kills, but the spirit gives life”¹, warned Paul, the Apostle to the Gentiles. The sentence could be translated like this for today: the hyperbole of the widespread fixation on the intellect prevents the experience of spirituality, of the immanent impulse to transcendence, as vital to the human creature as love is, for oneself, for loved ones, for life, for the Creator.
Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar (medium)
Eugênia-Aspásia (Spirit)
in the Name of Mary Christ
March 6, 2011
1. II Corinthians 3:6.