Brief Suggestions.

Brief Suggestions.

Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar
by the Spirit Eugênia-Aspásia.
If you are a candidate to tune in to the superior plane, in order to act on behalf of higher Intelligences that favor the destiny of multitudes and individuals, notice that:
You should be moderate with the pleasures of the body, in order to avoid that the dazed senses blur the subtle perceptions of the soul;

You should also be moderate when speaking, acting, thinking and feeling, aware that every human being is a live antenna of mental tuning, this way, any internal pattern change implies, immediately and consequently, an alteration of psychic tuning, sometimes easing  the intrusion of destructive spiritual agents.

You shouldn’t be too ambitious, trying to reach high levels of supra consciousness, detachment and spirituality, in a short period of time. However, as much as possible, be cautious in your speech, your desires and your decisions, because, whether you are aware of it or not, at all times, you are a living piece in life’s mechanism, connected to countless others, in a indestructible and inescapable mesh of inter-independence and inter-influence,.

If you have erred so far – and you will many times more – think of the possibilities of success in the future, which will smile to you from now on, because of your decision of acting with more caution and wisdom.

Do not let the realization of being far from perfection afflict you. Start by longing for a modest achievement on the fields of virtue. Be prudent, calm and committed. Be aware of the present, do everything with heart and always keep God in mind, before, during and after the accomplishment of every activity. If you do this always, it will already be a great and wonderful initial step towards virtue, truth and life.

(Text received on December 19, 2000.)

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