Whispers of wisdom – 06

Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar
by the Spirit Eugênia-Aspásia.

When evaluating your improvements, in any department of your soul or your life, do not consider separate moments. Evaluate patterns. Moments of peak or valley do not respond for the whole process. Only the bigger picture represents the phenomenon itself. The sum of the parts, it’s been said elsewhere, is not the whole.

Think in terms of percentage. How much of common sense have you gotten to imprint on your area of madness, senselessness, immaturity or bad habits? Have you reduced the level of barbarism in your wildest side? To expect great changes, substantial and permanent ones, at the cost of self defiance, is a sign of lack of knowledge of human nature.

On the other hand, move away from the superstitious fear of divine punishments. You are in the world to learn. 
Assimilate the lesson and move on. Do not get attuned to evil, for it wants you fallen, feeling guilty and defeated, without energy to get up and go on with your journey. Smile, forgive and congratulate yourself for the newly acquired experience. You are closer than ever to the final victory over yourself.

(Text received on May 29, 2004.)


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