Getting Closer to God.

Getting Closer to God

Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar 
by the spirit Matheus-Anacleto.

In dealing with mediumship, as well as in the battle to evaluate all sources of knowledge, inspiration and truth, remember that you deal with a set of dissonant voices in your mind that you need to distinguish, in continuous interaction with the outside world, having counterparts in and out of you. The human mind is a multiple structure that creates mental patterns, and enters into resonance with them, nurturing processes that can be constructive or not. They are the voices of habit, fear, desire, cultural conditioning, prejudice, doubt, pain, illusion, death. Among them, however, there are the voices of balance and peace, truth and common sense, noble aspirations and spiritual ambition.

Evaluate, carefully, the type of psychic voice to which you will concede power inside your mind. All of them must be given conditions to be expressed, elaborated and properly integrated into the total cosmos of the self, but one of them must be the director, bringing up signs of balance and peace, so that order, prosperity and wellbeing, fully and deeply, can happen in your life.

Do not run away from what your intuition points out as the dearest and noblest part of yourself. Listen to your conscience with care, and you will know what this especial part is. It speaks of moral grandeur, uninterrupted growth, discipline, peace. Anything that escapes one’s spiritual center, adds nothing to their genuine happiness, their wholeness, their fullness. Therefore, it is not irradiated from the fundamental core of the soul, it doesn’t come from God.

Accept your complexity, tolerate your ambiguities and understand that contradiction and fall will still be part, for a long time, of your personality and your attitudes. However, in order to acknowledge your humanity and show some flexibility do not open yourself to the irresponsible disequilibrium of those who surrender to despicable spiritual laziness – the laziness of making a continuous effort to confer purpose, content and meaning to each experience lived.
Always start your day by submitting yourself to this voice of truth and peace inside you and try to align, as much as possible, the remainder of your hours to this great part of yourself, and you will be, undoubtedly, giving your best and getting closer to God.

(Text received on November 12, 2000.)

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