The Essential Fight

The essential fight

The Essential Fight

 “Yours is the fight to be your own self.

The hidden treasure that Jesus referred to, the gift that cannot be buried (1). If you do not offer the world the unique contribution that only you, in your very personal way, can present, no one else will.

Yes, every individual is replaceable, and when remiss, his negligence, in the most essential matters to the common good, is covered by the initiative of others. But this happens in a time, manner and extent that allows the appearance of gaps in the orchestration of goodness and life, which will inescapably fall into the karmic account of the lax individual.

Weren’t this principle of personal neglect a problem of  hard to reverse consequences, and we wouldn’t see so many horrors of injustice and malevolence on Earth, in every field of human action or inaction.”

New Milford, Connecticut, USA.
November 1, 2014.

(1) Matthew 25:14-30.


Spirit Eugênia-Aspásia
In the Name of the Holy MARY
Medium: Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar

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