100 years of the “Miracle of the Sun” in Fatima

100 years of the “Miracle of the Sun” in Fatima 


 It was a little past 6 pm, Brasilia time zone, when Our Greater Mother, Holy MARY, appeared to us, radiating powerful Solar Light, and, after Her full manifestation, as if whispering the acoustic of the soul, She told us:

In this coming week, we will complete the 1st centenary of the ‘Phenomenon’ or ‘Miracle of the Sun’, which We invoked over Fatima, Portugal, on October 13, 1917. 

 The Prodigy was suitable for the time: visible and witnessed by tens of thousands of people, exactly what was needed in that period-standard of concepts, collective crises and confusions, such as the painful conflicts between traditional faith and scientific reason, in the midst of atrocious expressions of despair fostered by a world war as never seen in the earthly sphere beforeA war characterized by horrible human carnage and by tragic bloodletting of resources of material survival of hundreds of millions, a war that, in the wake of the planetary mourning, of misery and of hopelessness, still carriedwith itthe diabolic Spanish flu and accelerated the outbreak of the totalitarian atheist movement in Russia, which would torture the human spirit for successive decades 

A new crisis now plagues humanity. Some would say it is less serious, but we assert: it is a much more dangerous threat in its possible consequences, due to the existence and spreading of nuclear weapons technology, to mention only one of the multiple risk factors of extinction of life, on the surface of the globe, which presently torment hearts, drive crowds insane 

Let us pray together for peace in the world, and let us spread the new Signs of Heaven on Earth, so that, in this phase of more acute tribulation, love does not grow cold in the hearts of many’ (Mt, 24:12), nor does the human species waste the precious evolutionary opportunity of continuing to reincarnate in this tiny sidereal body, but which is home to billions of creatures. 

Holy MARY, in interaction with the Spirit Eugênia-Aspásia 

Psychography received by Benjamin Teixeira de Aguiar 

Aracaju, Sergipe, Brazil 

October 8, 2017 
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